Monday, April 21, 2008

Real time Discussion

Ready or not this world is about instant communication:

Text messaging, e-mail, and instant messaging are great because you can't always use your phone but need to stay connected. If you are at work for instance you may not have the time for a lengthy phone call to get information. The problem with instant communication is that you have needed to know the other party's information in order to contact them. Good News! I have embedded an MSN instant messenger application directly into my blog. Now you can get real time questions and answers. By visiting this blog you can openly communicate directly with me any time the messenger icon is green from the messenger app on the right side of the blog.

You Do Not Need Messenger:

The great part about this is that you don't actually need to download anything to speak directly to me. All you do is click the button that says "Begin conversation". From there you have 2 options.

If you have a live messenger ID:

You may log in and speak directly with me. This will allow me to see who you are and give me access to your profile if you have made it public. If you wish to remain anonymous then you can simply go to the next method.

If you do not have messenger or wish to remain anonymous:

  1. Click "Begin a conversation"
  2. Type a name in the box
  3. Enter the letters that appear on the screen as a verification
  4. Begin communicating directly with me
Use and abuse it:

I look forward to hearing form you and sharing ideas. Let the communication begin!


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