Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Pay It Forward Book Program

Pay it forward books:

I was inspired to write about this idea when I received a book from Janet Eakin with a note on the inside cover. The note read: "This book is my gift to you. It is given with the intent that once you have read it, you will pay it forward. Find someone that you feel will benefit from reading it & pass it on... Or not. Put who it is to, from you, & the date given underneath where I have given it to you from me. This will be interesting to see where it goes from here. The gift is in the reading. Enjoy and Namaste" I love this!

How it works:

You get a book that has inspired, changed, enlightened, or delighted you. You give this book to someone whom you think will benefit from the reading of it. This person then does the same thing and the circle continues. I encourage all of you to do this with just one book. I think you will find that the power of giving such a great gift will inspire you and open your heart so much that it will be hard to stop at just one. Who's life can you make a small difference in today?



Anonymous said...

Dave!! This is awesome! I too have benefited from Janet Eakins crazy kindness. I love the book idea too....(she has given me a few that have been life changing!) Lets keep the love goin' on! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Friday!!