Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Be Great Challenge

What it is:

I am proposing a challenge to all of you and myself included. It is very simple and has only 2 rules. Simply do something to better someones life and don't let them find out who did it. It doesn't get any easier than that.


1. It must make a difference in the persons life in a way that they will recognize as a benefit
2. You must do whatever you can so that they don't find out it was you.

I want to hear about it:

You can post your comments and experiences with this challenge here if you would like. If you have not registered or don't sign in you can leave your comment as "anonymous" so that the reader will not know who did it.

This will benefit you:

In my opinion, doing something great for another person is the best possible way to boost your mood. Doing something for others is very rewarding and you can bask in the full glory of giving if they do not find out who helped them. By not letting them know or taking credit for it you can truly enjoy the gift of giving. Have fun with this and be creative I would like to see some things happening before the end of April!


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