Friday, July 25, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

Real time Discussion

Ready or not this world is about instant communication:

Text messaging, e-mail, and instant messaging are great because you can't always use your phone but need to stay connected. If you are at work for instance you may not have the time for a lengthy phone call to get information. The problem with instant communication is that you have needed to know the other party's information in order to contact them. Good News! I have embedded an MSN instant messenger application directly into my blog. Now you can get real time questions and answers. By visiting this blog you can openly communicate directly with me any time the messenger icon is green from the messenger app on the right side of the blog.

You Do Not Need Messenger:

The great part about this is that you don't actually need to download anything to speak directly to me. All you do is click the button that says "Begin conversation". From there you have 2 options.

If you have a live messenger ID:

You may log in and speak directly with me. This will allow me to see who you are and give me access to your profile if you have made it public. If you wish to remain anonymous then you can simply go to the next method.

If you do not have messenger or wish to remain anonymous:

  1. Click "Begin a conversation"
  2. Type a name in the box
  3. Enter the letters that appear on the screen as a verification
  4. Begin communicating directly with me
Use and abuse it:

I look forward to hearing form you and sharing ideas. Let the communication begin!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Be Great Challenge

What it is:

I am proposing a challenge to all of you and myself included. It is very simple and has only 2 rules. Simply do something to better someones life and don't let them find out who did it. It doesn't get any easier than that.


1. It must make a difference in the persons life in a way that they will recognize as a benefit
2. You must do whatever you can so that they don't find out it was you.

I want to hear about it:

You can post your comments and experiences with this challenge here if you would like. If you have not registered or don't sign in you can leave your comment as "anonymous" so that the reader will not know who did it.

This will benefit you:

In my opinion, doing something great for another person is the best possible way to boost your mood. Doing something for others is very rewarding and you can bask in the full glory of giving if they do not find out who helped them. By not letting them know or taking credit for it you can truly enjoy the gift of giving. Have fun with this and be creative I would like to see some things happening before the end of April!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Blue Container

What is with this other garbage can?

Most people have the blue recycling container in their garage but do not use it due to some confusion. When you walk out to your garbage cans do you ask yourself, "Is this recyclable?" I know I did. I went to to get some answers.

What can be recycled:

  • Newspaper and newspaper inserts
  • Corrugated cardboard (Has a wavy layer between 2 thinner layers)
  • Brown paper bags
  • Paperboard from cereal boxes, paper towel rolls, and toilet paper tubes, shoe boxes, detergent, etc.
  • Magazines and phone books
  • Aluminum cans
  • Steel (tin) food cans
  • All plastics (All plastics with the numbers 1-7 on the recycling symbol can go in)
  • Plastic-coated milk and juice cartons
  • Paper (Goodbye Junk Mail)
When recycling any of these items make sure you empty out any food or beverage containers.

Items not accepted for recycling:

  • Glass
  • Clothing
  • Napkins, paper towels, toilet paper
  • Hazardous waste
  • Yard Waste
  • Small appliances
  • Food and Food Wrappings
This is a simple program and more than likely you already have the container, it's time to start using it.

What was on that list again?

I know you don't want to go to the computer every time you go to throw something away to make sure its ok.

Here is a tip: Have 2 separate garbage containers in your kitchen one is for trash one is for recyclables (ours is under the sink out of the way so trash doesn't end up in it. Put a big clear label of items you can put in the recyclable container to remind yourself and educate family members on how to use this system. Before long you will know what goes where and it will become second nature. Try making a game out of it to get the kids involved.

Other recycling programs available:

Yard waste recycling can

  • Weeds
  • Tree branches
  • Leaves
  • Lawn clippings
This program is 3.50 / month and is provided by Salt Lake county to get more info call (801) 974-6902

Household hazardous waste program

  • Paints
  • Pesticides
  • Oil
  • Transmission fluid
  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries
  • Fluorescent light tubes
  • Other chemicals
This is a free program with permanent drop off sites:

Salt Lake valley Solid Waste Management Facility
6030 West California Avenue (1400 South)
Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Trans-Jordan Landvfill Facility
10873 S 7200 W Hwy U-111, South Jordan
Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

(Antifreeze, Batteries, Oil and Paint Only)
4646 South 500 West
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Boost your credit while saving trees?

There is one very simple step that everyone can take to give their credit a little boost and stop all that junk mail. You may call 1-888-567-8688 to stop receiving "prescreened" offers of credit. This number notifies all 3 credit reporting agencies that you do not want to receive financing offers in the mail. This typically has a positive boost on your credit score, cleans out your mail box, and saves paper. You can still go online or call companies directly if you want credit cards. You may also do this online by visiting

Are you smarter than a ______?

There it is I have just given us all an elementary school refresher on how to recycle. Most of us now posses the same recycling knowledge as our children. Lets do our best to follow through on these programs and come up with new and innovative ways to keep on making things better for ourselves and the world around us.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Pay It Forward Book Program

Pay it forward books:

I was inspired to write about this idea when I received a book from Janet Eakin with a note on the inside cover. The note read: "This book is my gift to you. It is given with the intent that once you have read it, you will pay it forward. Find someone that you feel will benefit from reading it & pass it on... Or not. Put who it is to, from you, & the date given underneath where I have given it to you from me. This will be interesting to see where it goes from here. The gift is in the reading. Enjoy and Namaste" I love this!

How it works:

You get a book that has inspired, changed, enlightened, or delighted you. You give this book to someone whom you think will benefit from the reading of it. This person then does the same thing and the circle continues. I encourage all of you to do this with just one book. I think you will find that the power of giving such a great gift will inspire you and open your heart so much that it will be hard to stop at just one. Who's life can you make a small difference in today?


Green is the new Green

The world is going Green:

People and companies all over the world are coming together on a daily basis for new ideas on how to "go green". I have heard many people say, "I am sick of this green thing." Well I have news for these people, get ready to become nauseas. The snowball effect of going green is beginning to gain ground to the speed of an avalanche. Consumers are finding that when they make the change to green they are saving money and feeling better about themselves. Companies are finding that the consumer wants green and are turning real green profits by offering green products and solutions. If you are not on the green train yet here are a few things you should know.

You may already be going green:

If you do or have done any of the following things you are already going green;
  • Pay your bills online
  • Replaced burned out bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs
  • Refilling or Recycling your inkjet or toner cartridges
  • Turn off the water faucet when brushing your teeth
  • Use your dishwasher or washing machine only when full
  • Clean your driveway or sidewalk with a broom instead of water
  • Set your thermostat 2 degrees warmer in the sumer and 2 degrees cooler in the winter
  • Use your ceiling fans
  • Carpool to work
  • Drive the speed limit
  • Keep your tires properly inflated
  • Save files on your hard drive and back them up instead of keeping paper copies
  • Open your doors and windows to let the fresh air in
  • And many more
The funny thing is all of the things I have listed above are extremely simple and require almost no effort but... Every single item on that list will SAVE YOU MONEY! Thats right, possibly the best part about becoming environmentally friendly is that it is less expensive than polluting littering and over consumption.

There is so much more we can do:

There is an incredible increasing list of ways to become green and save money doing so. Every companies are coming out with new products to replace the old environmental clogs. Children are encouraging their parents to idle their cars less and carpool to work. Citizens are encouraging people to shut their lights off for an hour to make a dramatic impact. Go Green and have fun with it. Be innovative and share your ideas with people. You will find that going green is more popular than you might think.
