Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Green is the new Green

The world is going Green:

People and companies all over the world are coming together on a daily basis for new ideas on how to "go green". I have heard many people say, "I am sick of this green thing." Well I have news for these people, get ready to become nauseas. The snowball effect of going green is beginning to gain ground to the speed of an avalanche. Consumers are finding that when they make the change to green they are saving money and feeling better about themselves. Companies are finding that the consumer wants green and are turning real green profits by offering green products and solutions. If you are not on the green train yet here are a few things you should know.

You may already be going green:

If you do or have done any of the following things you are already going green;
  • Pay your bills online
  • Replaced burned out bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs
  • Refilling or Recycling your inkjet or toner cartridges
  • Turn off the water faucet when brushing your teeth
  • Use your dishwasher or washing machine only when full
  • Clean your driveway or sidewalk with a broom instead of water
  • Set your thermostat 2 degrees warmer in the sumer and 2 degrees cooler in the winter
  • Use your ceiling fans
  • Carpool to work
  • Drive the speed limit
  • Keep your tires properly inflated
  • Save files on your hard drive and back them up instead of keeping paper copies
  • Open your doors and windows to let the fresh air in
  • And many more
The funny thing is all of the things I have listed above are extremely simple and require almost no effort but... Every single item on that list will SAVE YOU MONEY! Thats right, possibly the best part about becoming environmentally friendly is that it is less expensive than polluting littering and over consumption.

There is so much more we can do:

There is an incredible increasing list of ways to become green and save money doing so. Every companies are coming out with new products to replace the old environmental clogs. Children are encouraging their parents to idle their cars less and carpool to work. Citizens are encouraging people to shut their lights off for an hour to make a dramatic impact. Go Green and have fun with it. Be innovative and share your ideas with people. You will find that going green is more popular than you might think.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recieved the same book from Janet also and have been simularly inspired. Now having read your blog, I am also duly impressed with your insight. Your blog speaks volumes about your integraity as a agent. Congradulations
Rex (Craig) Broadbent